Conférence International

European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics

ECCE 2024

8 octobre 2024
11 octobre 2024

  • Ile-de-France
Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la Conférence européenne sur l'ergonomie cognitive (European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics), qui aura lieu à Paris le 8 au 11 octobre 2024. Le thème spécial de l'ECCE 2024 est "Vers un avenir durable et participatif".

 European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2024 : Contributing to a sustainable and participatory future

Conférence européenne sur l'ergonomie cognitive 2024 : Contribuer à un avenir durable et participatif 

8-11 octobre 2024

8 octobre : Consortium doctoral et ateliers ECCE
9-11 octobre : Conférence principale d'ECCE


mardi 8 octobre

09:30 - 12:30 : Atelier - Première partie

12:30 - 13:30 : Déjeuner 

13:30 - 18:00 : Consortium doctoral

14:00 - 17:00 : Atelier - Deuxième partie

mercredi 9 octobre

08:30 - 09:00 : Accueil et inscription

09:00 - 09:30 : Introduction

09:30 - 10:30 : Conférence invitée | James Auger, Towards new imaginaries

10:30 - 11:00 : Pause café

11:00 - 12:30 : Séance #1 - Health (séance parallel)

Supporting Social Inclusion for Children with Hemophilia by Video Gaming 
Jerome Dinet, Robin Vivian, Rui Nouchi, Yutaka Matsuzaki, Kohei Sakaki

Building teamwork in an uncertain environment: Study of the COVID19 patients' management by healthcare professionals at a university hospital during the health crisis 
Justine Forrierre, Jeanne Thébault, Carla Di Martino, Christine Moroni, Jean-Bapstiste Beuscart, Sylvia Pelayo

WIP | System engineering approach of the home self-management of type 2 diabetes: a work in progress 
Romaric Marcilly, Justine Forrierre, Jeanne Thébault, Sabine Bayen, Tamasine Grimes

WIP | How lack of situation awareness is involved in learning difficulties of ab-initio helicopter pilots? 
Yousra Dkhissate, Léonore Bourgeon, Moustafa Zouinar, Barthélémy Minier, Catherine Delgoulet

Preventing back pain in schools: a dual epidemiological and ergonomic approach 
Gergi Antoun, Sylvia Pelayo

WIP | Analyzing Pilot Experience of Flying in Formation through the Course-of-Action Framework: A Case Study of Helicopter Pilot Trainee 
Damien Morisson, Régis Lobjois, Barthélémy Minier, Franck Mars, Sami Mecheri

11:00 - 12:30 : Séance #2 - Extended reality (seance parallel)

The "bizarre" object effect in Virtual Reality: A comparative serial recall study 
Omar Jubran, Eda Monaco, Laís Muntini, Thomas Lachmann

How Vibrotactile and Auditory Feedback Can Affect Performance in Search for Invisible Objects in Virtual Reality 
Nils Ove Beese, Lennart Dümke, Yannic Döll, René Reinhard, Jan Spilski, Thomas Lachmann, Kerstin Müller

WIP | Real-Time Feedback for Enhancing Team Collaboration: A Comparative Analysis of Collaboration Metrics with a Production Line Scenario using Virtual Reality 
Thomaz Fèvre , Aurélien Léchappé, Camilo Charron, Cédric Dumas

Move'n'Hold Pro: Consistent Spatial Interaction Techniques for Object Manipulation with Handheld and Head-mounted Displays in Extended Reality 
Vera Marie Memmesheimer, Kai Jonas Klingshirn, Cindy Herold, Bahram Ravani, Achim Ebert

The Hidden Psychological Costs of Virtual Work: Examining the Psychosocial Adverse Effects of Metaverse in the Workplace 
Simone Grassini

12:30 - 13:30 : Déjeuner

13:30 - 14:50 : Séance #3 - Interaction, Cognition & Expertise

Decoding Auditory Feedback: Enhancing Usability with Sound Insights 
Lode Dams, Christof van Nimwegen, Frans Wiering

WIP | A framework to study cyber expert’s activities. First steps 
Alma Lelievre, Cecilia De la Garza, Tahar-Hakim Benchekroun

Interaction Research and Design across Times in HCI 
Tom Gross

WIP | AI-assistance to decision-makers: evaluating usability, induced cognitive load, and trust’s impact 
Alexis Souchet, Kahina Amokrane-Ferka, Jean-Marie Burkhardt

Timecourses showing mind wandering and heuristic strategies interact complexly to affect SART performance rapidly 
Omar Elkelani, Sara I. Ribeiro-Ali, Carina E. I. Westling, Harry J. Witchel

14:50 - 15:10 : Pause café

15:10 - 16:30 : Séance #4 - Industry & Work

Exploring Behavioural Strategies in Cyberinsurance Adoption 
Yolanda Gómez, Dawn Branley-Bell, Pam Briggs, José Vila

WIP | Mapping User Journeys in Occupational Exoskeleton Adoption: the Adoption UX Curve (AUXC) 
Marc Dufraisse, Jean Jacques Atain Kouadio, Julien Cegarra, Liên Wioland

WIP | Understand visual watch activity of a surveillance task: what place for professional vision? A case study in a French signal station 
Titouan Le Pelley Fonteny, Catherine Delgoulet, Annick Durny

Designing a Tool to Collect Worker Feedback on Novel Solutions in Industrial Work Context 
Päivi Heikkilä, Susanna Aromaa, Hanna Lammi

WIP | Towards sustaining human-centered part manufacturing under workforce restrictions 
Taimur Khan, Margit Pohl, Philipp Schworm, Matthias Klar, Achim Ebert

WIP | Working with Senses - Visual Inspection in a Nuclear Power Plant 
Marja Liinasuo, Tomi Passi, Satu Pakarinen

16:30 - 18:00 : Visite du Musée des Arts et Métiers 

18:00 - 20:00 : Réception d'accueil

jeudi 10 octobre

08:30 - 09:00 : Accueil et inscription

09:00 - 10:40 : Séance #5 - Design

Facilitating systems thinking in serious game design by highlighting inter-player relationships 
Emily Hofstetter, Ola Leifler, Björn Johansson, Peter Berggren

WIP | How design students select maker technologies in their undergraduate projects 
Andrea Alessandrini

How Are Measures of Usability and Creativity Support Correlated? 
Jonas Frich, Peter Dalsgaard, Mihaela Taranu, Michael Mose Biskjaer

Beyond Predatory Practices Ethical Game Design and Player Retention in the Gaming Industry 
Tobias Bergström, Ulrik Söderström, Thomas Mejtoft

WIP | Comparing prospective methods to identify latent needs 
Naomi Kamoise, Clément Guerin, Mohammed Hamzaoui, Nathalie Julien, Jérémy Dupont, Laurent Forestier

Integrating ergonomics into the early stages of Digital Twin design: From the design of a Digital Twin for short-distance dairy producers to the definition of a generic and tool-based method 
Fanny Guennoc, Naomi Kamoise, Clément Guerin, Nathalie Julien

10:40 - 11:10 : Pause café

11:10 - 12:30 : Séance #6 - Living with Robots & AI

Not all sizes matter. The perception of robots' age and mental abilities based on their physical dimensions 
Stefano Guidi, Margherita Bracci, Francesco Currò, Alessandro Innocenti, Luca Lusuardi, Enrica Marchigiani, Paola Palmitesta, Matteo Sirizzotti, Oronzo Parlangeli

WIP | Positive and Negative Reinforcement Nudges for Human-Robot Collaboration using a Mixed Reality Interface 
Isaiah Nassiuma, Yee Mey Goh, Ella-Mae Hubbard

Anthropomorphic User Interfaces: Past, Present and Future of Anthropomorphic Aspects for Sustainable Digital Interface Design 
Eva Geurts, Kris Luyten

WIP | Work in Progress Analysing the ergonomicals benefits of using robots in a preschool autism unit in France 
Armand Manukyan, Marie Rychalski, Jerome Dinet

ChatGPT in education: Teachers’ and Students’ views 
Ulrik Söderström, Elsa Hedström, Karl Lambertsson, Thomas Mejtoft

12:30 - 13:30 : Déjeuner 

13:30 - 14:30 : Conférence invitée | Valérie Pueyo, Contribution to desirable futures responding to the challenges of the Anthropocene: a Prospective approach to work

14:30 - 15:40 : Pause café et Posters

15:40 - 17:10 : Séance #7 - Sustainability

Transitioning towards agroecology through digital technology: an empirical study of design activities in an agroliving lab 
Jean Larbaigt, Flore Barcellini, Moustafa Zouinar

WIP | Towards the design of a mobile application with persuasive elements to increase energy flexibility 
Eloïse Zehnder, Guillaume Gronier, Louis Deladiennée

Ergonomics for sustainable development: issues, models and practices from the historical analysis of the ARPEGE's French commitee "Design for Sustainable Development" 
Magali Prost, Chloé Le Bail, Julie Lassalle, Marie Chizallet, Leïla Boudra , Julien Guibourdenche, Gaëtan Bourmaud , Xavier Rétaux

WIP | Designing a Local 'Climate App' 
Jule Kistenfeger, Sven Schmidtke, Anke Dittmar

Making participation sustainable: developing and testing a permanent participatory model in Verviers (Belgium) 
Clémentine Schelings, Catherine Elsen, Bruno Bianchet, Jacques Teller

WIP | How to create sustainable artefacts? Towards a user-centered design guide for low-techs/appropriate technologies 
Clement Colin, Antoine Martin

17:10 - 18:10 : EACE General Assembly

19:00 - 22:00 : Dîner de gala 

vendredi 11 octobre

08:30 - 09:00 : Accueil et inscription

09:00 - 10:30 : Forum | History, Present, and Future of Cognitive Ergonomics in Europe - its Changing Domain and Importance

10:30 - 11:00 : Pause café

11:00 - 12:40 : Séance #8 - Mobility & Transports

User experience and psychological comfort at the Platform-Train Interface 
Xavier Leonce, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Lucia Bosone

Moral judgements on human and autonomous drivers’ decisions in unavoidable collisions scenarios 
Augusto Bovesi, Alice Calabretto, Alice Stroppa, Gian Maria Adamo, Filippo Canepa, Stefano Guidi

Transfers Perception Influence on Public Transport Route Choice 
Cristina Manget, Fernando Merino Martínez, Sonia Adelé

Exploring user experience of transport modes through the multiple dimensions of psychological comfort 
Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Béatrice Cahour, Anais Allinc

Approaching Intelligent In-vehicle Infotainment Systems through Fusion Visual-Speech Multimodal Interaction: A State-of-the-Art Review 
Mahmoud Baghdadi, Achim Ebert

12:40 - 13:40 : Déjeuner 

13:40 - 14:40 : Conférence invitée | Peter Sturm, Designing and assessing sociotechnical alternatives: toward participatory approaches

14:40 - 15:10 : Clôture et actualités sur ECCE 2025 

15:30 - 18:30 : Visite de Paris 2024 infrastructure (à être confirmé)

En savoir plus +Accéder au programme en anglais

Comité d’organisation 


Flore Barcellinin (Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers), Jean-Marie Burkhardt (Université Gustave Eiffel), Stéphane Safin (Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)

Organisation locale

Marine Maréchal, Aurélie Jeunejean, Clément Guerin, Université Bretagne Sud  

Soutien et collaborations